Working Together for Colchester's Children

Who we are:
A partnership of parents, educators, community members, agencies, and businesses working together to provide services and supports to children and their families from birth through age 8.
Our partners and supporters include:
· Public Health Sector
· Social Service Agencies
· Early Care Providers
· Colchester Public Schools
· Colchester Board or Education
· Colchester Board of Selectman
· Colchester Town Departments
· Local Businesses
· Faith Based Organizations
· Non-Profit Organizations
· Local Civic Organizations
What we do:
In 2008 Colchester, Connecticut was awarded a grant by the Connecticut Early Childhood Education Cabinet to develop a community plan that would benefit the children of Colchester, from birth through age 8. This marked the beginning of the Collaborative for Colchester's Children (C3).
C3 is a group that focuses on four strategy areas that will benefit our town's children and provide our youngest citizens with opportunities to succeed.
The Collaborative meets six times per year as a whole group. Meetings are open to the public. Parents are encouraged to attend and share their concerns and views.
For more detailed information, check out our Orientation materials and read more on the Our Work page.