
Your child is eligible to attend kindergarten if they are five years old on or before September 1st of the school year. Kindergarten registration at Colchester Public Schools begins in February. Though there is no registration cut-off date, we encourage families to register at this time so that the District has plenty of time to prepare for the new kindergarten classes! Kindergarten class assignments can only be made and shared with families once the district is sure that additional classrooms will not be necessary. See the School website for more information about the registration process.
If you have questions about kindergarten, here are some things you can do:
Talk to your child's preschool teachers
Read the joint statement from the Office of Early Childhood and the State Department of Education about the change in the Kindergarten start date.
Attend Parent Information meetings in April at Colchester Elementary School.
Review Colchester Elementary School's Kindergarten Brochure
Read more about what you can do to help your child be ready for school