
There are many programs right here in our community. For a list of local center based and home day care programs, please click on the header above.
Early Head Start services are geared for prenatal moms and children up to age 3. Services occur weekly in the home and in a classroom group.
Contact TVCCA Early Head Start at 860.425.6581 or 860.425.6515.
The Colchester Early Childhood Program (CECP) at the Colchester Elementary School helps preschoolers grow in many areas including language, social interaction, pre-literacy and numeracy, fine and gross motor, and cognitive skills. Children participate in the program both as role models and as students identified with special education needs. To enter the lottery for placement as a role model, applications are accepted between September 1st and January 31st each year for the following school year enrollment.
Lower Cost Preschool Options
Early Start CT (formerly School Readiness Program) provides a limited number of preschool spaces at a subsidized rate. Parent fees are based on
a sliding scale. If you need assistance to make preschool affordable, click header for more information and an application.
Care 4 Kids helps low to moderate income families in Connecticut pay for child care costs. This program is sponsored by the Connecticut Office of Early Childhood.
Bacon Academy Preschool is back for the 24-25 school year! The Beginner Bobcat Preschool is a non-profit, part time preschool program directed by FCS teacher Ms. Julia Smith, and operated by advanced Bacon Academy child development students. Space is limited and students are accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis; register now! This program is open to Colchester and surrounding town residents with children ages 2 years 9months - 5years.
Classes will run on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays from 10:00AM-12:00PM.
Our BBPS website for more information - click here!
Fill out our Application for this school year - click here!
Interested in future years? Fill out our future interest form - click here!
Email jsmith@colchesterct.org with any questions.