Our Community Plan
C3 works to ensure that all of Colchester's Youngest Citizens are
Healthy, Happy, and Successful Children.
To accomplish this, our work is divided into the following four focus areas:

Healthy Development

The health of our children – from the time they are conceived through the first years of their life – has an enormous impact on their ability to succeed. Our work focuses on maternal and prenatal health as well as nutrition, physical activity, and healthy sleep habits to promote a strong start.
Our youngest children rely on their families for everything – food, clothing, shelter, safety, education, support, and love. All of us need relationships that are safe and nurturing. C3 works to ensure access to needed supports and community resources to support children and their families.

All children require safe, nurturing, and enriching early experiences. High-quality early childhood education provides both long and short-term positive outcomes for children, our economy, and our society. C3 partners with our local childcare providers and the Colchester Public Schools to continually strive to ensure that our local educational system teaches our children the socio-emotional and academic skills necessary for success in life.
Strong, Effective, and Sustainable
The Collaborative for Colchester's Children began over a decade ago as part of the Discovery Community Initiative. Private and State funds were provided to establish a local early childhood council that could address the needs of young children and families. A lot has changed in the past ten years including a gradual move from grant support to local funding. C3 needs to continue to focus on its organizational health to ensure that it is sustainable into the future!