Volunteer of the Year 2023-2024
Nina Bryant
Nina has been a parent representative with C3 since the Fall of 2022 when she approached us about joining the Leadership Workgroup meetings. Since that time, Nina has been a regular participant in our meetings, shared insightful perspectives on our work, developed surveys and reviewed pertinent data, supported C3 community events, and contributed to the rejuvenation of the C3 Parent Council. She pitches in whenever and wherever she can. Nina’s efforts have truly helped us move forward and we are so grateful for her! She is pictured here with her children, Evie and Flynn.

Volunteer of the Year 2022-2023
Sharon Wilinski
Sharon has worked with C3 as a Joyful Noises facilitator since the Spring of 2019. So why is she receiving Volunteer of the Year? Because Sharon always goes above and beyond what is required of her to promote C3. She is a champion of our programs and can be found enthusiastically approaching strangers to be sure they know about C3. Sharon often volunteers for farmer’s markets and other events where she can talk about C3 and continues to provide a parent voice at our meetings. We can not thank you enough for your dedication and passion! She is pictured here with her husband Mark and sons Adam and Austin.

Volunteer of the Year 2021-2022
Stefanie Tracey-Calash
Stefanie began attending everything from Baby & Me to Circle of Security classes with C3 and quickly answered the call for assistance. Even as a newcomer to the organization, she helped at our Farmer’s Market booths and began attending our C3 Leadership Work Group meetings. Her can-do attitude and bright spirit have been much appreciated as she has stepped in to serve whenever and wherever she can! She is pictured here with her husband Kyle and her sons Zeke and Van.

Volunteer of the Year 2020-2021
Julia Lash
This year, Julia Lash was recognized as Volunteer of the Year during the Annual Meeting in September. Julia has demonstrated a helpful spirit and willingness to step up to lead in big and small ways. Last year she agreed to be the Co-Chair of C3's Leadership Work Group and has also assisted at countless events, served on committees, and offered to pitch in any way she can (usually with at least one of her three young children in tow!). Julia has accepted the position of Parent Ambassador to the Office of Early Childhood for the coming year. C3 would like to thank Julia for her time and commitment to supporting C3 and the families we serve! She is pictured here with her husband Lawrence, children Maddie, Wyatt and Lillian and their dogs Sydney and Oliver.

Volunteer of the Year 2019-2020
Brittany Manville
This year, Brittany Manville was recognized as Volunteer of the Year during the Annual Meeting in October. Brittany's passion for helping was demonstrated through her musical talents as she held a successful variety show to raise funds for C3 programming. As a parent volunteer, she brings light and life to the organization and inspires others with her dedication. C3 sends a big thank you to Brittany for all of her efforts! Brittany is pictured here with her children, Ruby and Forest.